Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Am anticipating a good weekend ahead :)

Got to fully enjoy myself before the pace for both tuition and school picks up again. The mid year exams for the kids are coming and I've already gotten request to add additional slots. So dear friends whom I'm meeting this weekend are probably the last ones who see me before I do the MIA thing again.

Got to wave goodbye to my Saturdays and Friday nights as well got the upcoming two weeks or so, I guess?

Had a relaxing day today catching up on the serial drama. Haven't had the time to pack the table and the room because I've been lazing around watching the tv. Gotta squeeze some time for that soon.

Yearning to watch a movie too. The last film I watched was No Strings Attached by Natalie Portman and Aston Kutcher. Don't even know what's up on the screen lately anyway.

Shall drag myself to jurong point to get the daily necessities. Had been delaying due to the lack of time. I've cleaned out the convenience food. Don't even have a packet of potato chips at home. How sad is that...

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