Saturday, February 27, 2010

"Teacher, who is this guy in your phone? Your father ah?"

Silly question from my student today. How can I ever have such a young father, lol.

Finally the weekend is here, I simply can't describe how long I have been waiting for this. It has been kinda hectic at work but I don't know why is that so. Feeling so stressed up all day long over I-don't-exactly-know what is that. I think I deserved a good time off this weekend.

Filled up my leave application for my holiday. I think I do deserved my first real overseas holiday after living my life for nearly twenty years, no matter what comes.

What about expectations? I hate the feeling when people around you harbour high hopes for you. Because when you're not up to the job, you don't only disappoint yourself but you fail them as well. Double unhappiness - I don't like.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

In order to earn lots of money on Pet Society, I dutifully visits every single person on my list everyday, cleaning and scrubbing every dirty or unhappy pet that I see. This is even more hard core than lunar new year visiting, I think. All because I want to be earning my cash with integrity, that's what Nan Hua taught me eh.

Meiying reminded me that in 14 days, I'll be in Taipei. Die, so many things haven't settle.

Lots of things to checked up on still! Travel plans, travel plans!

For many days, I wanted myself to sleep early but gosh, failed to do so day after day. I really wonder where had my good sleeping habits gone to after since I graduated from college.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I think most of the time, I have been living in my own world. Lately, I finally began to realise that Facebook is a good tool because it actually (and really) lets you know what exactly is happening in the (real) outside world. Maybe it's just because I don't quite bother that's why it makes me so not well informed.

Even my good old brother is visiting Facebook at a frequency much higher than I do. I'm honestly and sincerely impressed.

Monday, February 22, 2010

Last week of the month and what am I anticipating?

It could only be pay day. Couldn't wait for the bank account to get fatter and fatter, hahahaha.

I don't know why Pet Society is not loading when I want to play with my PiPi as you see, I'm hardly online actually. Not being able to access it, makes being online (what I am doing now) to be even more boring. Somehow, I really don't know what else to do.

And, my phone's wallpaper really makes me laugh. Totally cheers me up after a day of hard work.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

The so-called long lunar new year holiday passed in a flash. In fact, I didn't exactly get much of a rest so I'm actually looking forward to the coming weekend already. Starting work on Wednesday, which means there's three more days to endure. Did not manage to watch the unwatched East of Eden episodes as well, used up more spaced on the HDD to record more shows off the TV instead. As it was new year, many nice shows and movies worth watching!

So Meiying and I went to watch Valentine's Day today. Much much better (roughly 50 times better, in my opinion) than New York, I Love You (which is again, I think is a total flop - so much for having so many A-list international stars and big names directors. Gosh, wasted both time and money on the movie!)

You should catch it if you got the time. Many pretty and handsome hollywood stars too! Don't know why many people cried in the cinema. Nice plot and quite romantic but not worth the tears (nothing to cry over, I think?)

Just wondering why many people are visiting Resorts World now? Honestly, what is the point of entering the Universal Studio and not being able to sit on the rides? For ten bucks, all you get is to stand on the ground and watch the fake people "enjoy" their rides up there in the skies. So disappointing right? Watched the news yesterday night and seriously, the wait for tram back to Vivo City is so long - 50 minute during peak period? I think walking back to Vivo would probably take a shorter time, don't you just agree with me?

The casino seems to be a bigger joke to me - shouldn't elaborate any further. Was on the cab earlier in the day and what the driver said amused me even further. I better not see cabs disappearing off the road in the near future.

Am flying off to Taipei in less than a month. Gosh, how fast is time passing?

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Though I have a fulfilled and balanced life, but to many people around me, they think that my life's just plain dull and boring. On a certain point, I think I have to admit that, but its really okay.

I have an healthy life, minus away the fried food I eat and the lack of exercise in my daily routine. I don't smoke, I don't club and drink. I am mentally sound and I have some really good friends. I maintain a very good relationship with my family and the closest kins.

Technically, I believes that its not about how many friends you have but its how many friends you have that truly care for you. For me, how many such friends do I have I'm really not sure. I'm sure as I grow older, this number is bound to descend - how sad is this?

People grow up, tends to make new friends and leaves you, me and everyone else. What a wonderful life, mates.

I had already lost count of those primary school mates that I keep a regular contact with. I guess I don't even need one hand to count. Calling me heartless now? I think yes, maybe.

I don't exactly know why I am telling you this. Perhaps I was just bored (so bored that lately I found it pointless to be surfing the net. I don't know who else I could talk to online via Windows Live Messenger except that few people that I would start a conversation with. Other than to check emails daily and to read Straits Times online, I even think that it is somewhat pointless to switch on the computer - waste electricity too) while waiting for the nail polish on my right hand to dry so that I could move on to painting my left's.

Finally having a break for a few days off work during this Lunar New Year period. Don't really have much of a plan other than to stay in the house to catch up with all the East of Eden episodes that I've recorded but had yet to watch.

I hope you've got something to look forward to this year. Be it pineapple tarts or Valentine's Day that happened to fall on the first day of the new year :D Have fun!

Monday, February 08, 2010

The story of the worms

郑家有两只虫,寄生虫和懒惰虫。寄生虫,名副其实就天天痰在家里,游手好闲! 懒惰虫,说实在的也并没有多懒惰。

Okay honey (you know who you're) I don't mean it in the bad way, I know you know ;)

Thursday, February 04, 2010


So I've found the answer key, it was chucked under the table.

Looking forward to watching Happy Family every night :D Long time since I watched a Channel 8 serial drama.

Pet Society seemed too foreign to me now! Logged in just now to feed PiPi and I'm like totally lost! Omgosh, Rosie's score is like sky high! Ranked number 1 on my list :D

I finally realised sometimes we just can't compare and compete. Our lives are just different so just accept what we have and forget about what we don't. Self-contentment is good.

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Someone please tell me where is my set of P6 answer key! Am getting
real panicky because I got hell no idea where is it? Is it in the office or tugged away somewhere in my bedroom?!

On a happier note, the wall is done - decorated with the pictures.

Fixed the Mona Lisa puzzle that I've gotten from Daiso too!

(That's the Nan Hua bear sitting next to it)