Tuesday, April 11, 2006

tefu said something pretty meaningful today when he and meiying joked on the way when we were walking down the stairs. let me quote what he had said...

live everyday as though it is the last day.

then, you ask yourself this one time. did you really live your everyday as though it is your last day? well, i dont know whether were tefu's words being positive or negative. but yeah, as for me, i never though of living my everyday as my last day, because i thought that i would always have tomorrow before of me.

sometimes, i really wonder... why people keep di-siaoing me every single day? hmmm. it never occurs to me that there's a day when i would not receive teasing and suan-ing stuffs from my buddies.

well, i dont mind having them to laugh at my sotong-ness, my usual messy hair, the way i drop my books and stuffs which ivy, fangqi and meiying to pick up for me, enna calling me a burnt cookie, fangqi calling me stupid at times, they reminding me of certain silly phrases which i mentioned before, treating me like a enunch and some crazy fellow who bears volcanic traits.

to me, its really nice to see your friends laughing and smiling because of you. come'on, im not saying that im super great or whatsoever. but its like, your stupid and silly gestures could cheer the people around you up, isnt that a good thing?

i've always know that life is really fragile. i'm fearful for the time to see my loved one lie in the coffin one day. not only that, i'm afraid that there may be one day that i wouldnt be able to come to school and my friends had no one to laugh at anymore. till then, will anyone still be thinking of this stupid BY and would they be as happy as what they are now?

enough rumblings for the day. yes, i'm really feeling weird inside out today. haish...

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