Friday, January 06, 2006

here to inform all of you guys that if you happen to be celebrating your birthday. dont ever invite shou jun and justin to come celebrate with you alright? why, because you will get your face stuck in the cake. LIKE MINE TODAY

but well, my case is not as bad as fel and mel's. imagine mel was like covered with ice cream cake the last time? just sad that we wasted the tasty and delicious cake from prima deli! kanna attack by the cake twice. the second time was all thanks to jiayi for not finishing her share and giving it to justin to 'finish' it for her!

and thanks for the present from my daughters, felicia and diana. together with my maid mariah; meiying and fumao mel! LOVE THE TEE AND THE NECKLACE WITH THE CROSS PENDANT! THANKS A MILLION! <3

and to boss, justin and kerong. i want my present on monday! that's the punishment for causing me to be in such terrible plight today! hehs. joking lah. no need gifts one actually! because you guys already wished me happy birthday in advance! so really, thanks for the thought too!

i really wanna say thanks to all of you for making my pre-birthday so wonderful already, though my birthday is tomorrow actually! and thanks to someone who bothered to call on his way home on the train and check that tomorrow is my birthday. so thanks for remembering my special day, mr hendy!


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