Friday, September 24, 2010

I think I had to brace up and have a little more courage...

I started to have the habit to reading the free newspaper in the morning. Somehow I can't miss the Chinese entertainment section.

By the way its Children's Day next Friday. An occasion that none of us has actually celebrated for a long time but for this time round, I actually had to start shopping for gifts for kiddos. Shall do it over this weekend ;)

Today I got reminded of the conversation that Ronald and I had a few weeks back. "It's the name United States that puts you in awe". I wonder would things be different if it was like South Africa, or Zimbabwe? Honestly, I would pretty much like to meet that guy, he really has got some depth too.

Honestly, it has been some time since I see numbers starting with 9 and distinctions in my grades. Hurray to Acct :D

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