Saturday, August 28, 2010

I don't like the fact that sometimes when people still deal with me as a child. It is because I think I no longer behave like one. In fact I've not behaved like one since ages ago. I think I am an independent young adult with my own mindset and strong perspectives, which enables me to think logically and make decisions.

The way to communicate with me is to speak to me at my intellectual level. That is not necessarily low.

I chose to keep quiet because I am showing you respect. But that does not necessary mean that I do not have the right mind to think, or either am I agreeing with what you are saying. I am not the kind of person who likes to pick up a fight unless you have really stepped on my toes, especially with my family.

In my way of living, I believe that being street smart is very important. So I know when to act blur. The way to go around surviving is that "When everyone around you choose to act blur, then you don't act smart - even though you really are smart."

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