Friday, April 16, 2010

Am a sick but happy, plus lucky girl. Still alive, sad to announce that.

Cooped up at home with 1 day of leave, 3 days of medical leave.

Besides sleeping & more sleeping after popping the uncountable number of pills, I watched PS MAN :D

Finally got rid of the JC notes last week but the room still didn't look very tidy. Perhaps its due to the bro's stuff all stuck in the room still.

Wanting to get new shoes but nothing nice and pleasing to the eyes so far. Mondo's not having any sale so not worth buying yet! Endurance, endurance, Boon! Will be meeting Meiying for tomorrow. Mental note to self: Remember the scarf!

People nowadays do weird things, don't they? I wonder do they do certain things to make their existence more "known" to other people or just to prove some "self-worth"? Awkward, I will say, plain awkward.

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