A sharing of my bad life episode is not an opportunity for you to show off how much your children are worth nor how much money you've dumped in for them. This exchange is not meant to comfort you of how well your children are doing but to remind you that your children are somehow insensible because the tens of thousands of investments could yield you a seat in SIM or some other private insitituitions too. Landing a place in the local colleges certainly does not warrant happiness in you or your children in the future.
I hope your hard work will yield some high returns in the future. High calibre kids can be ill brats as well. Look at the cases of high flying professionals fighting in courts over their parents' assets? Perhaps your children won't be the same but who knows?
With words like this, I felt spurred and motivated, meaning I want to prove that I am capable of producing even better results than I already am. But I'm sorry to say that maybe you are saying this because subconsciously you are admitting to the fact that you do not have a daughter who is as capable and sensible as me, other than in terms of my previous academic results a couple of years back.
I believe in 'Each to it's own'. Although we are not going to have a lot of college drop-outs like Bill Gates who managed to create Microsoft, and of course we will not have many Sim Wong Hoo in Singapore, I'm more than positive to know that I am going to be someone of worth with years down the road. I am not going to be that miserable little executive sitting behind that monitor screen, that I can assure you.
I am certain about what kind of a person are you and would certainly build up the invisible wall from now on. I still respect you out if courteousy because you are someone who is more senior to me in age but I may be disappointing you that I am not respecting you deep down from my heart. I am not your typical plus innocent 20 year old who lives next door who believes that this world is nice, colorful and beautiful. I have seen a fair bit of what I shouldn't have seen and have braved through what someone who is of comparable age haven't had gone through.
I will watch my words while I keep my eyes open to see what comes. You're not a foe but definitely not a friend, my dear colleague. May you, the mother of three lead a better life from now on.
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