Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Having a very busy two weeks ahead with many assignments due. Only slept at 3.30 am, which is approximately 5 hours earlier but I'm now up already. I think my brain subconsciously know that I've got so much work to complete that I could not waste any more time just on sleeping. Hello chicken essence, my favorite friend lately - it's time that I'll drink you again!

Am looking forward to the upcoming plans starting from tomorrow! Seeing people that I've not seen in quite a while, being able to catch up in the midst of good food makes me really happy actually.

Oh and I'm thinking of getting a birthday gift for myself to cheer myself up somemore. Though I'm already pretty happy and satisfied these days but there's no harm to make myself even happier right.

So now, I should climb out of bed and start working on my communications report...

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