I ask myself random questions from time to time, and this happens to be one of them: What is the last movie that I have last watched in the theatre?
I think most likely Lady will have the answer since she's most probably the last person that I've watched a movie with. By the way, what's that last movie? Because I really couldn't remember.
Am a STM (short-term memory - used this term all the time when I was back in the secondary school days) victim. Kept losing stuffs in my room, simply because I've forgotten where I've last placed them. Can't find that pen that I was using two days ago. STM's prolly the reason why I'm having such a bad time memorising my notes?
I should have been in bed by now as I am an early sleeper. But apparently, I can't get to sleep at all, don't know why. Here I am staring at mitotic cycles. And I kept spelling it as "mytotic" when I'm writing down points.
That's a sign that I'm sleepy, I guess?
These days, I don't know what's the point of me surfing the net. There's only that couple of sites that I visit nowadays and they simply do not have any updates - other than Straits Times.
Can't wait for this torment to end in roughly a month. I'm counting down to you, babe - 4 Dec
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