Thursday, August 20, 2009

Here I am, bright awake. This is even earlier than my waking up time for school. All thanks to my brother's morning call at 6:20 to talk about his dream. I think he is freaking out. If its not now then, yes its gonna be pretty soon.

So I think I'm gonna study for chemistry soonish *clap clap*

Recalled Jean, Ronald and my conversation yesterday at lunch. Guess it went something like this.

J: You guys wanna buy class photos?

R: Don't want.

B: I want the formal shot.

J: Ronald, you don't need to buy since you're not inside (LOL!)

R: *pouts*

J: Ask Boon send you the class tee shots lah, its on facebook.

R: I dont have facebook

J: Go create one accout

B: I have a facebook and I have a life.

J: Have facebook is no life lor.

B: I got say life equates to facebook meh?

J: No, if you have facebook and friendster, then you got no life.

So who have life and who doesn't?!

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