Tuesday, April 17, 2007

missed school today ): missed the rest of them so much today ):<


the next time when you visit the polyclinic or the hospital for an x-ray, girls please remember the exact date where you last have your period because if you have a bad memory like me, you would probably face the same fate as me by having the nurse asking you loudly in front of all other patients in the room this.

"you're not pregnant, are you? are you sure that you're not pregnant?"

seriously, i have the urge to reply, "yes mdm, i'm certainly not pregnant because i didnt do anything of that sort with the opposite gender before." or i felt like telling her, "do i appear to you that i look three month pregnant?"

i really want to see her response then. but anyway, her question made the entire room's population look at me as thought i'm some alien, if not, then worse.

bye world

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