Monday, July 19, 2010

Its about independence, but its not about August 9.

A quality that you ought to have but not something that all possess.

I think I'm not someone that is really good about keeping secrets. On a personal level, I think I don't have much, in fact any, secret with anybody. I think I'm not good at doing things on the sly, though not necessarily letting the cat out of the bag kinda thing. I believe when you actually let something out of your mouth, it probably means that you want people to know. Secrets eventually became secrets because you selectively chosen people whom you want them to listen to what you want to say. Then you expect them to keep their mouth shut so that secrets remain as secret.

So I guess I'll just remain quiet, when I think that there are certain things that I shouldn't be speaking about. No secrets, no pain, no sharing.

How about if you have got something to share, share it with everyone if you'll like?

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