Friday, August 10, 2007

yes, this is edited (:


the secret code is 17324685

before we met up with rosie, felicia and diana who went to watch the simpsons movie at the grand cathay, fangqi, meiying, melissa and i were at cineleisure watching the jay chou directed movie, secret. it has a nice story plot but sad to say jay chou's acting still you-know-lah. but it still make fangqi cry at quite a front part of the movie and they said that my sniffs were too loud and that was super embarrassing, my apologies.

enna came to join us at around 18:30 when we walked over from ngee ann city to dine at nydc at the wheellock place. good food, yummy food made all of us. evident from the pictures below.

take note of the people behind, that's the queue by the way. guess we really took up too much space and time at nydc that when we left after a whole one hour plus or something, someone from that queue did a small cheer. but that was loud enough for us to hear, of course.

you know they sure love the toilet, look at their smiles.

my lovely daughters, felicia and diana

it has been such a long time since this girl with the victory sign spent such a long time with us recently.

say hello to ah dou. although he's a little physically handicapped, he's still the boss of that day.

clearly that besides ah dou being the boss, the monkey and the moose which sat behind us, were the stars of the night. these creatures just can't help it but to make friends with rosie, felicia and meiying that night.

i don't know why but these two girls are simply into doing this pose lately.

after melissa, fangqi and rosie left, the niaos, featured above, and i sat down civics plaza in front of ngee ann city to talk. okay, more like a gossiping and sharing of people's secrets session. this bunch of birds are the people that care about me, judging from the fact that they tried to hide some truth away from me because they were afraid that i'll be terribly sad or something or worst, i may cry - according to felicia.

then we talked about our future. the one that doesnt require us to sell tissue paper for 1 dollar in bishan, jurong and johor bahru. hahaha and when we think about not being able to be with with these niaos, all the sorrows come rushing in. i really can't imagine myself sitting in a class without melissa on my right and meiying on my left. what will happen if one day, i sit in my new class and i start to sing to the person sitting on my left, thinking that she's meiying, and all i get in return wasnt lady's usual mocking and laughs then start to hit me but someone else staring back at me, like i was a lunatic.

uh pls, my future seems bleak.

the surviving niaos who successfully turned to their nests before 12 midnight.

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