Friday, July 07, 2006

it was early dismissal today! after that, felicia, rosie, melissa, meiying, fangqi and i went over to jec to have long john silvers! hahaha. fangqi and her cheese fries! went to the library together then meiying and fangqi went disappearing for an hour. fel and mel gotta leave early so they left before the two of them started appearing.

meiying is going to fangqi's house for the english project and i think she's there now already. hahaha and rosie is going to the library at jurong west with me later yay (:

so yeah, mel and i are heading to fel's place in italy tomorrow to do our project too! hahaha borrowed some books for that already! SATURDAY!

BABELFISH are everywhere, beware while you get your nets ready.

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